Selling a house in probate, it’s a difficult thing to do. Can you sell a house in probate? Yes, you can.
If you know the property is being probated and you know you’re going to inherit the property then you can go ahead and sell the property, as long as you disclose to the buyer that it’s in probate. It’s important to make sure to set those expectations. If you don’t tell the buyer that you know the special circumstance, then they could put their money out there and put them in harm’s way and if that happens they can come after you for it.
Be transparent. Get a timeline on when the property is going to be probated and how long that’s going to take. It’s going to be difficult to stick to the timeline with many uncontrollable factors involved: the courts and attorneys will wade through a lot of legal stuff being backed up, there’s going to be a lot of backlogs. Update your buyer if there’s going to be any delays.
What Are The Steps In Selling A House Through Probate?
The house won’t be able to sell until you have clear title. Although you may put the property on the market, contracts can’t be exchanged so your buyer will need to be prepared to wait until the will is probated to sell the property.
What is the process going to be like? In simplest terms here is the usual route in selling a property in probate.
- Have the property appraised
- Petition the courts to begin the sale
- List the property
- Ask the courts for the sale approval
Work With A Professional
Get with a professional, either a real estate agent or a realtor and make sure you understand the process.
Three reasons why you hire a real estate agent during the selling process of selling a house in probate.
- Contract law. Make sure you don’t get in trouble.
- Marketing. Make sure you get the biggest net of buyers to get you the highest net to sell.
- Negotiations. Make sure that you don’t give up any sort of leverage or any sort of information while you’re trying to go through the probate and while you’re trying to sell the property.
A lot of people don’t realize the information they give up. It could potentially hurt you and not make you as much money. That’s why you need a trusted council in your corner to articulate and explain the next steps and make sure to get you the most money as possible.
Closing thoughts: Selling A House In Probate Georgia
You need all hands on deck because at the end of the day you have holding costs. The more you hold the property the more it deteriorates, the it depreciates. If you’re not maintaining or if you’re not updating, you want to sell it as soon as possible. You can’t sell it until it is probated but you can start marketing it and start the process of selling it with it being in the probate status.
Selling a house in probate is a tedious process and we want to make it as simple as possible for you. We’d love to help you out, spend a little time with you, sit down and make sure you understand the probate process. In My House Sells Fast, we work closely with clients to make sure we deliver personalized selling experience.
Get started with the My House Sells Fast Program by filling out the form below. If you have any questions, call us at 678-469-6585 and we’re happy to answer.
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Author: Coe Cameron
Coe Cameron is an experienced realtor at Keller Williams, Atlanta, Georgia.
He has closed hundreds of deals over 10 years of real estate experience.
In 2021, he was featured as March Rising Star 2021 by Great Atlanta Real Producers and was nominated by them for On the Rise Award 2021 🥉.
What sets him apart from other realtors is his passion for helping people achieve their dreams. Whether it’s finding the perfect home or getting the best deal on a property.